
Simon Conollys Fahrzeug (#1158)

The plan is to build an overlander using the 4x4 Mercedes chassis and the ex Australian mine specification coach body. Buying this body worked out cheaper than starting from scratch.

Allgemeine Angaben

Fahrzeughersteller und Typ Mercedes 1222A
Name des Halters To be decided.. Rafiki or Asha. (Swahili)
Land der Zulassung Australia
Baujahr 1996
Fahrzeug steht zum Verkauf? Nein


Motortyp OM441
Zylinderzahl V6
Motorleistung in PS 220
Turbo, fuel pump and injectors of donor truck to be fitted giving approx 300hp.


Radformel (4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8) 4x4
Radstand 4.2m
Anzahl der zugelassenen Sitze 2
Reifengröße 315/80 R22.5
Felgen 22.5
Reifenart Goodyear Omnitrac
Tankkapazität 350lt
Dieselfilter Ja
Differenzialsperren front and rear


Aufbauhersteller Able Bus and Coach, Perth, WA.
Kabinenmaße (Innen) 5880L x 2360W x 2022H
Kabinenmaße Abmessungen (außen) 6010L x 2490W x 2200H
Material der Kabine Steel with alli outside and timber inside
Art und Stärke der Dämmung none as of yet. 50mm in walls and roof, 100mm in floor.
Anzahl der Schlafplätze none as of yet. 2 x single mattress's with linked foam mattress. Ref plans.
Fenster 5 each side
Zwischenrahmen rigid.. manufacturing 4 point
Inbuilt engine driven air conditioning (came with body), full length tinted windows (blacked out and insulated where not required. Separate shower and toilet/sink planned. Cab tunnel also planned.


Erläuterung Grundriss
Here's a sketch of what we plan will happen... The second pic is a sketch is based on our 6 m long body. I saw the single bed idea in another truck (first attached picture. Whoever owns this truck, I love your plan and hope you don't mind me basing ours around yours!), and we both like the idea of single beds which lessens partner disturbance when getting in and out. It also allows for a Queen size bed when sleeping across if required. The bed area is raised with outdoor lockers underneath and a space for the genset in the middle. The composting toilet and basin will be in a room of their own, as will be the shower. The doors to these rooms also allow for closing the bedroom and privacy. The seating area will be raised by approx 400mm allowing for batteries and water tanks etc. All yet to be planned. There will be a central floor hatch and between the chassis rails we will house the heating etc. The third pic is of haw the cutout will look. Any ideas or suggestions welcome.


Kocher Standard LPG oven with 4 burners.
Gasinstallation By ticketed engineer.
I will be using two x 18kg aluminum forklift gas cylinders, fitted with vapor outlets. This allows them to be refilled when required, adapted when in remote areas, and removed for shipping if required..


Stromspannung im Chassis 24v
Stromspannung im Aufbau 12v/24v/240v
110V / 230V im Aufbau? Nein


Brennstoffzelle Nein
Generator Honda EU70is (doubles as house backup)


Erläuterung Gasanlage
Plan to use 2 x 18kg aluminum forklift gas cylinders, mounted outside the cabin. One for heating and one for cooking.


Hersteller und Art der Toilette Natures Head composting toilet
Kapazität Fäkalientank n/a
A secondary sealed bucket will be stowed on the chassis under the living body for compost toilet emptying, so as to allow composting to continue before contents are then emptied at home into a dedicated compost area.


Heckträger Twin spare wheels mounted at rear of body which utilise hydraulic lowering.
Dachgepäckträger Cab mounted to match height of body. 4 spot lights and a K5LA horn!
Stauboxen Under chassis lockers behind rear wheels for Jerry Cans (3 diesel, 3 petrol).
Außenkochstelle Vehicle left locker below bed at rear dedicated 'cooking and outdoor' locker.
Markise Mounted just below window line on vehicle left (recessed into body).
K5LA train horn... to keep other road users awake!
Veröffentlicht 06.07.18 
Halter Simon Conolly 
Aufrufe 10696 
Ausgefüllt 75% 
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