
My LWB Crafter Campervan

This is basically the a bit shorter version of "Heikos maxilanger Crafter" - BUT IN ENGLISH. Having lost our 1999 2.8 uncharged Ducato, we , at the end of compromising, decided for a 2.5litre 5 cyl TDI Crafter. We are more than satisfied with this choice, especially the engine, which meant we could get up hills without shifting down to 2nd gear, as the machine pulls the 3.8 metric tons of the final construction without hesitation. The torque is, as compared to the Ducato, more that of a rocket. We decided for the 5 mton version as our experiences with gross weight were critical with the 3.5 mton Ducato - and we were proven right: Having completed the construction, the empty vehicle's weight was at 3.8 mtons (with a 3/4 fill of Diesel and that was all that was in it, no water, no camping Equipment, no passengers). We do not miss all the fancy electronic devices in more modern vehicles, but what we think to be must haves are the automatic outside rear views and a good camera for ranking without rampaging. Rust is an issue to all doors (which we aren't used to from our T4 which is four years older), but the walls are rustless. However, we have renewed the body cavity protection (if there had ever been any in it before) and replaced the rusty backdoors by new ones. Great are the two seating sections of the final version, leaving space for one or two of the crew to sleep and the others still have a place to sit and talk without causing trouble. The Crafter is perfect for two, fine for three. If you wanted to have a comfortable construction for four or five take the L4, H3 (ours is H2 - maybe not a nice experience for those, sleeping in the top bunk beds). Just for your convenience I have added some photos that show the sizes of our different vehicles - Crafter LWBplus, T4 SWB and Caddy SWB. Depending on what your aims are, they offer different possibilities as bases for campers as to flexibility on the road as well as in what you can put into it.

Allgemeine Angaben

Fahrzeughersteller und Typ Volkswagen AG Crafter mk I
Name des Halters myself
Land der Zulassung Germany
Baujahr 2007
Fahrzeug steht zum Verkauf? Nein


Motortyp BJM
Hubraum 2,461cm³
Zylinderzahl 5
Motorleistung in PS 163
Drehmoment 350Nm
speed is limited for legal reasons to 100kms/h


Radformel (4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8) 4x2
Radstand 4325
Anzahl der zugelassenen Sitze 5
Reifengröße 205/75R15C (6 of them)
Felgen steel 5.5Jx16H2
Reifenart road
Tankkapazität 8
Dieselfilter Nein
left VW as a delivery van for France; fitted as a 23 seater minibus there; brought home and refitted to campervan in 2017.
Especially getting a registration in Germany was quite complicated as everything was double-checked thrice.
Allrad zuschaltbar oder permanent not at all


Aufbauhersteller VW (formally - as we all know it's Mercedes tra...)
Kabinenmaße (Innen) 1.78m x 5.80m
Kabinenmaße Abmessungen (außen) 2.00m x 6.00 (total length is 7.5m)
Material der Kabine steel
Art und Stärke der Dämmung general: 19mm Armaflex self-adhesive, floor: 38mm Armaflex self-adhesive
Anzahl der Schlafplätze perfect: 2, good: 3, in emergencies: 4
Fenster 10, all can be opened
Zwischenrahmen none
There is nothing straight in that vehicle, so all boards had to be cut individually.
The bus door in the back is nice but complicated in everyday use.
All of the windows had to be replaced by ones that can be opened in order to get enough fresh and cool air into the vehicle.


Erläuterung Grundriss
right front to back:
bus door; cupboard with cooling box (can be replaced by 5th seat)and cuboard overhead; kitchen with IKEA sliding drawers (includes space for water cannisters) and shelves for kitchen stuff overhead; bed box with two levels (1st level every day stuff, 2nd equipment (heating; boiler)

left from front to back:
table with 2 seats in second row; cupboard with open shelf and 12V/230V fridge; bathroom with toilet, sink and cupboard; bed boxes with two levels (1st everyday stuff, 2nd storage for spare parts) and bed 1

back storage: heavy duty boxes with BBQ-grill, games, tent; chairs; gas bottles; tables for outside


Material des Möbelbaus 15 mm laminated CLV board
Don't save in the wrong place. It doesn't weigh much and is really robust. We have recycled the CLV board from our 1999 Ducato (which we had fitted to our designs, too, including the material as well) - still in perfect condition after 18 years of use!


Kocher CAN 3 flames (inside); Enders camping cooker (outside)

Kühlschrank, Kühlbox

Hersteller und Typ des Kühlschrank Kissmann TB2044EN; Westfalia (Dometic)
We still have got our old gas fridge, but being reduced to electric 12V and 230V, respectively, it does not work efficiently at high temperatures above 30 degress centigrade.
Our Kissmann "cooling box", however, was fully efffective down to below 0 degrees even at outside temperatures such as 40 degress. Not cheap - but do it. Advantage: You do have full circle service and there are spareparts available.


Stromspannung im Chassis 12V
Stromspannung im Aufbau 12V/230V
Ladewandler 24-12V no
110V / 230V im Aufbau? Ja
Wechselrichter no
We did not save money on sockets and light, which was something we had done in the last campervan. As always you pay the bill later and we were really annoyed by the fact that we always had to unplug things to plug in other devices. Now there is enough of everything in her. Do not ask me about the kilos of wire we used or for the length of it but this is the first campervan of which I do have the feeling that everything is alright.

Batteriekapazität im Aufbau

Batteriekapazität im Aufbau 140Ah
Batterietyp AGMs
Batterieladegerät für Aufbaubatterien Yes
Batterieüberwachung No


Solarkapazität None
Solarregler None
Brennstoffzelle Nein
Generator Only the engine generator


Hersteller und Typ der Heizung Truma E2400 (if you can get one, get it - ours has been burning for almost 20 years now and is still going really strong
Warmwasseraufbereitung Elgena TB 3 Combi (12V and 230V)
Fahrerhausheizung standard


Erläuterung Gasanlage
30mbar, steel pipe; 2 x 8kgs bottled gas
distributor is under kitchen workboard
Only in her because we wanted to be able to heat and cook whenever and wherever we want to


Wasserführung flexible pipe
Wasserfiltersystem none
Volumen der Frischwassertanks 40l
Volumen der Abwassertanks 2 x 8l buckets one under the left side, the other under the right side of he vehicle
Bad mistake: I forgot about adding a drainage line. No really good idea as the water would be fouling. No real bad problem, though, as I will use the water line that ends in the rear of the vehicle for this.
What turned out to be an aggravating problem is the draining of the Elgena boiler in its position deep down in the rear boxes. I have decided to add flexible pipe and a stopcock to handle the problem to the boiler.
Moreover I have added a shut off witch to the electric hook inside the cupboard to turn the power off without problems. But there is still the fear that there might be no water in the boiler, killing it. I do not see why Elgena does not give this boiler an automatic shut off in case of missing water.


Hersteller und Art der Toilette Berger porta
Kapazität Fäkalientank maybe 20l


Heckträger Maybe some day. So far we believe in scooters instead of bikes - you will always find space for them in the vehicle and that is just fine.
Dachgepäckträger maybe later
Stauboxen standard heavy duty boxes from a diy
Außenkochstelle Enders 2 flame cooker - 25 years old but still working fine
Markise yes, Berger plus Reimo magnet weather strip
We were a bit reluctant about the Reimo weather strip first, but in use it proved to be tough enough and it is really fast set up - 5mins is fully OK
Veröffentlicht 14.03.18 
Halter Heiko Landmann 
Aufrufe 91964 
Ausgefüllt 100% 
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