

It took several years from starting to dream about an expedition camper to the actual decision to get one... ...after deciding to turn dream into reality we spent probably another 5 years of research before buying our STEYR base truck from EXCAP, and the another year before deciding on the cabin builder KRUGXP. The cabin building process took around a year with several iterations of optimizations, from adding a motorcycle rack to installing an outdoor some add-ons like an air condition for the drivers cab or a redesign of the spare tire holder... Our truck has been named after Guhonda, a 500 pound mountain gorilla silverback. We saw this amazing creature close-up-close during a mountain gorilla trekking tour in Rwanda and thought that our STEYR has a similar 'attitude' .

Allgemeine Angaben

Fahrzeughersteller und Typ STEYR 12m18
Name des Halters DIRK LIEPOLD
Land der Zulassung United States
Baujahr 1987
Fahrzeug steht zum Verkauf? Nein


Motortyp Steyr WD 612.74 diesel
Hubraum 6.6-liter turbocharged engine
Zylinderzahl 6
Motorleistung in PS 230 (Original 180)
Drehmoment 630 Nm at 1200 / min
EXCAP Intercooler
Bosch fuel injector
Stainless steel exhaust


Radformel (4x2, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8) 4X4
Radstand 350
Anzahl der zugelassenen Sitze 2
Reifengröße 14.00R20
Felgen Gabo Split-rim
Reifenart Continental
Tankkapazität 800 Liter PE diesel tanks with sepa filter and heater
Dieselfilter Ja
8 Gears plus 1 crawler
ZF Gear Box with Gear Reduction (Automatic continually gearbox lubrication upgraded by EXCAP)
Air-suspension seats (EXCAP)
Hydraulic disc brakes
Heated mirrors (EXCAP)
Aircondition (EXCAP)
High flow cyclone air filter system (EXCAP)
Koni shocks (EXCAP)
Stronger cab shocks (EXCAP)
Allrad zuschaltbar oder permanent Permanent
Differenzialsperren Locking Differentials: front, center & rear


Aufbauhersteller KRUGXP
Kabinenmaße (Innen) 4580 x 2360 x 2080
Kabinenmaße Abmessungen (außen) 4700 x 2480 x 2200
Material der Kabine PU 60mm
Art und Stärke der Dämmung 60
Anzahl der Schlafplätze 3
Fenster 4
Zwischenrahmen 4-Point Subframe
4 Real Glas KrugXP Windows with KCT insect screens
1 KCT Roof Hatch
Electric Insect Screen for entrance door



Material des Möbelbaus Real wood veneered facades Oak finish
Dark Grey CORIAN Kitchen Surface


Kocher WEBASTO X100 Diesel Induction cooker with Altitude compensation
Gasinstallation N/A
MIELE Combi Electric Oven/Microwave

Kühlschrank, Kühlbox

Hersteller und Typ des Kühlschrank Indel-Webasto (INOX) 195 Liter Fridge with separate freezer compartment


Stromspannung im Chassis 24
Stromspannung im Aufbau 24, 12, 230
110V / 230V im Aufbau? Nein
Wechselrichter Mastervolt MassSine Ultra 24/4000W

Batteriekapazität im Aufbau

Batteriekapazität im Aufbau 2 x Mastervolt Mli Ultra 24V 5000 Wh
Batterietyp LithiumIon
Batterieladegerät für Aufbaubatterien Mastervolt ChargeMaster 24V/100A Mastervolt
Batterieüberwachung MasterVolt


Solarkapazität 4 x 300 LG Solar panels with 1200Wp total
Solarregler SolarChargeMaster SCM-60 MPPT
Brennstoffzelle Nein
Generator No


Hersteller und Typ der Heizung Eberspaecher Hydronic Diesel heater with automatic Altitude compensation
Warmwasseraufbereitung Indel-Webasto Isotherm 25 Liter warm water boiler (230V)
Fahrerhausheizung Radiator in cabin underneath table
Heated floor in main cabin
Towel Warmer in toilet
Heat Exchanger (Engine Preheat or Cabin & Water Preheat)


Erläuterung Gasanlage


Wasserfiltersystem 2 Pre-Fill Filters, 1 Seagull Filter for Freshwater
Volumen der Frischwassertanks 340 Liter
Volumen der Abwassertanks 180 Liter
Faucet in Bathroom
Rainshower and Handshower in Bathroom
Faucet in Kitchen
DrinkingWater Faucet in kitchen
Outside Shower (Hot/Cold)
Outside Kitchen Faucet (Hot/Cold)


Hersteller und Art der Toilette DOMETIC Saneo Cassette toilet with ceramic bowl
Kapazität Fäkalientank N/A


Heckträger KRUG custom motorcycle carrier with spare tire holder and sand ladder and electric winch
Dachgepäckträger EXCAP Roof-rack with 2 cargo boxes
Stauboxen 2 KRUG Custom Boxes behind rear axle - plus storage box in front of right tank
Außenkochstelle KRUGXP custom outside kitchen with Sink & Electro Induction Cooktop
Markise Omnistor 1200
Veröffentlicht 20.12.18 
Aufrufe 17309 
Ausgefüllt 100% 
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